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We at Keyboard Magic believe that hard work should always be accompanied by a high reward. We offer examinations through our school bi-annually following both the Trinity College of London classical syllabus and the Rockschool Contemporary syllabus. There are a wide range of exams for each of the instruments offered at Keyboard Magic in both classical and contemporary genre.

When participating in the exams offered at our school, our students are working towards credits that will contribute to their university applications in the future. Both Rockschool and Trinity are accredited by:

  • OFQUAL (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) England
  • Qualification Wales
  • CCEA (Council for the curriculum, Examinations & Assessment) Northern Ireland
  • SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) **

**Rockschool only

The credits offered by these certificates are then taken into consideration during a university application. If students choose to further their studies in music, we also offer Diploma qualifications in both Trinity and Rockschool.

The exams offered by Keyboard Magic are internationally recognised, through both, Trinity and Rockschool, students are given the ability to further their studies overseas, as these exams boards are located in over 40 different countries around the world.

Diploma courses can be converted into NQF level accreditation and used towards university degrees and possible careers in the music industry such as a performer, a creative professional or a teacher.

We also offer Drama examinations through Trinity College of London.

Below are some examples of certificates received from both exam boards for practical and theory exams.

Drama Certificate






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